Herbert W. Armstrong Searchable Library

Literature Wanted


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The HWA Searchable Library will buy your old pre-1987 WCG literature.  Please send an email to hwaorg@yahoo.com describing the material you have and what you think would be a fair price.  We will make an offer for just about anything, regardless of condition or whether or not we already have it.


Below is a list of items that we do not have and would like to obtain for the web site.  We are willing to buy or trade for them; or if you don't want to part with the originals, we can just borrow, scan, and then return them to you.  


Afrikaans Bible Correspondence Course (cir. 1974)


A.C. Bible Correspondence Course (58 Lesson)


The United States in Prophecy (original cir. 1942 booklet)


SERMON where HWA states that it is not required to eat unleavened bread on

every day of the Days of Unleavened Bread - only that you must not eat any leaven on any of those days. It may have been in the announcements (cir. 1980s).


Italian and French literature (pre-1990)


Foreign language magazines (pre-1987)


Ambassador College ENVOY 1954, 1993, 1995, 1996


The Ambassador 1975-1977 (Big Sandy)


Incoming Freshmen / Freshmen Interviews 1975-1977 (Big Sandy)


Bricket Wood pictorials 1974


Plain Truth magazines 1934-1957


Good News magazines 1951-1966


Seven Laws of Success (1985 Japanese)